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TMA is powered by a community of people who believe that when students put purpose first, their path after high school becomes more intentional and joyful.

We are committed to listening to and working with students and educators—the biggest stakeholders in the education system—to make college & career prep transformational, not transactional.


For Students

We believe your primary job in HS is figuring out who you are and what you can give to the world — something that's easy to forget when your “job” is reduced to getting good grades and test scores. If you also believe the college & career prep process is too heavily weighted towards numbers and you want an alternative, you’re in the right place!


For Educators

You are on the front lines guiding students to become the best versions of themselves. You pour so much energy into knowing students beyond their academic selves—their values, passions, long-term goals, favorite Disney movies... we believe this should be easier. When you know students as human beings, you're able to better support them.
